Russia Massively Attacked Kyiv with North Korean Ballistic Missiles and Iskanders

The Russian army launched a massive missile strike on the Ukrainian capital on the night of September 2, the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration (KCMA), Sergei Popko, said.

“The strike was combined – with cruise and ballistic missiles,” Popko wrote in his Telegram channel. According to his data, at around three o’clock Russian strategic bombers launched Kh-101 cruise missiles from the Saratov region. As they flew toward Kyiv, North Korean KN-24 and Russian Iskander-m ballistic missiles were launched at the Ukrainian capital, as well as one attack drone.

“An unbelievable number of ballistic missiles at the same time!” – Popko noted. He did not name the exact number, but specified that the air defense forces managed to shoot down more than 20 cruise and ballistic missiles. Their debris fell in four districts of the city: Golosiivskyy, Svyatoshynskyy, Dniprovskyy and Shevchenkivskyy.

According to Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, two people were injured as a result of the fall of rocket fragments, one of them was hospitalized. In Svyatoshynskyy district, four cars, a two-storey non-residential building caught fire and the building of the Svyatoshyn metro station was damaged.

In Golosiivsky district a boiler house was damaged, in Shevchenko district a fire broke out on the territory of one of the enterprises. “Liquidation of the consequences of the enemy attack continues. All emergency services are working on the ground,” – concluded Klitschko.

A week earlier, on August 26, Russia launched the largest missile strike on Ukraine since the start of the war. The targets were critical infrastructure facilities. One of the Russian missiles hit directly into the Kyiv reservoir and another hit the Kyiv hydroelectric power plant. The latter was damaged, but no holes or breaches were found in the dam itself as a result of the attack.

Also under attack were facilities in 15 regions of Ukraine, the country’s prime minister, Denys Shmygal, said. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Russian forces fired more than a hundred missiles of various types and about a hundred drones.

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