As a result of the Russian military’s shelling of the city of Kherson and the region on May 3, the number of civilians killed rose to 23, the head of the Kherson regional military administration, Alexander Prokudin, said in Telegram (reported by UNIAN). Forty-six people (including two children) were injured.
Prokudin reported: “In the past 24 hours, the enemy carried out 98 shelling, firing 539 shells from heavy artillery, Grads, tanks, UAVs and aviation”. During the shelling, the Russian military hit residential areas of the region’s population centers.
“The city of Kherson was shelled with particular brutality. 82 shells hit the station square, the territory and structures of the train station, the gas station, two trade establishments, a factory and a car maintenance facility; the territory of the railway crossing”, Prokudin said.
As a result of the hypermarket attack, three people were killed and five were injured. A curfew was imposed in Kherson.