Garry KASPAROV: “In a war you have to choose a side”

The Free Russia Forum forms the most adequate, in our opinion, agenda for Russian emigration. One of the most important tasks today, from our point of view, is to fix the fact that the future of Russia is impossible in any imperial configuration. It is no coincidence that one of the key theses we are discussing at the Forum is the rejection of imperial symbols, and this is not just about the flag, which should not have the color of blood on it. It may seem to some that these topics are abstract and detached from reality. But the fact that Russia missed its chance in the 90s and slipped into a fascist dictatorship waging the bloodiest war in history after 1945 is due to the fact that imperial mechanisms, imperial traditions and consciousness were not eradicated when they could have been.

The Forum has a clear political vision of what the future should be: Russia must cease to be an empire, withdraw from Ukraine, return all captured territories, pay reparations and extradite war criminals. This is the only chance for Russia to become a civilized state. Those who refuse to recognize this and take an intermediate position on this issue, we do not consider as our allies. There is a war going on, and in a war you have to choose a side. War is not a game of soldiers. It is a terrible tragedy in which people are killed.

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