Alfred KOCH: “What good is it to tell Putin that he will lick hot pans in hell?”

One year and three hundred and two days of war have passed. Nothing significant has happened on the front in the past twenty-four hours, according to ISW maps. The Russians have shelled Ukrainian cities. Kherson in particular. People died…

Killing people on Christmas Eve… What kind of “traditional values” do you have to have behind your soul? Anyway, all right. It’s even a bit vulgar to bemoan the immorality of Putin and his troops. Over the past years, we could have gotten used to it and not wring our hands every time.

We do not resent the immorality of a bedbug that sucks our blood, nor do we resent a rabid dog for biting us. We deal with them differently and do not waste our nerves lamenting their lack of conscience or at least shame.

We know that we cannot negotiate with them, we cannot convince them that they have chosen a path that leads to their own imminent destruction. We know that it is useless. What is the use of telling Putin that he will lick hot pans in hell? That’s not what his pocket pope Gundyayka tells him. That Gundyayka’s god is clearer and closer to him. Give that god some money, and he will forgive you all your sins. Simple and convenient. And there’s nothing to puzzle over!

And you give him: free will, the Last Judgment, God’s commandments… This all will happen when, and whether it will happen at all… Maybe Lenin is right: “Life is a way of existence of protein bodies” – and nothing more… The meaning of life is in expansion. To fuck more women, to get more money, to subjugate more people. And then collapse into oblivion. Just turn it off like a TV. And in an instant everything stopped…

That’s the kind of Christmas thoughts I have in my head. About Putin and his gang. You know what I say? There’s a reason the papers are saying he wants a truce. There’s a reason. There’s something wrong in his household. There’s some kind of edge to it.

Why would he offer a truce if he has more and more soldiers, tanks, cannons, shells and all other things? And this is exactly what not only Russian but also Western media assure us. We have a discrepancy…

I think that no matter how much its military-industrial complex grows, it still does not cover the needs of the front. And, one way or another, the AFU is knocking out more of its equipment than Putin’s industry manages to supply to the troops. By the way, it follows from this that there is no rapid growth of Russian GDP. After all, if I produced a tank, that’s a plus to GDP. And if my tank burned down, it is a minus to GDP. And Russian Goskomstat does not make this deduction… And if it did, the figures would be different. Much more modest…

They say that even taking into account the increase in production and North Korean “warming”, Russians are again running short of shells. And they seem to run out of them in one quarter, maximum by summer. And so on many positions. They do not have time to replace their losses in tanks and other armored vehicles.

The Ukrainians shot down four Su-34s in just two days, not counting other types of aircraft. This is no joke! Each Su costs about 45 million dollars. At this rate, in six months we can lose all aviation…

And the Netherlands has already announced that this week they will deliver the first batch of F-16s to Ukraine. A total of 18 airplanes. And Russia produces only 14 Su-34s in a year(!). That’s the arithmetic about a pool with two pipes…

How not to start sending signals about the truce? While the truce is going on, we can accumulate shells, planes and tanks. And then, with renewed vigor, attack poor Ukraine again. That’s the kind of “Christmas” thoughts I have in my head. About world peace…

What are you saying? Peskov denies that Putin is sending “signals” about the ceasefire? Why would I need Peskov when I have heard it from Putin myself, with my own ears, ten times in the last few months? It even seemed to me that he was going a bit overboard with these “peacekeeping” signals. So it’s not for nothing, oh, not for nothing…

I’ve been listening to Arestovych for a while. I’ll tell you what I think. I think he’s… How can I put it so softly? Let’s just say he’s wrong.

When he talks about the need to make peace with Putin, I hear him. Not that I completely agree with him, but I hear his arguments, and I understand his position. I think it has a right to exist. It makes some sense: people stop dying, there is time to gain strength, take a breather, get more weapons from the West, guarantees, etc. I myself was in favor of land-for-money peace.

Likewise when he talks about the rottenness and treachery of the West. Here, again, I don’t fully agree with him, but I recognize the strength of his arguments. Their emotional validity. I understand the resentment and disappointment of Ukrainians who had painted a very different picture for themselves. Another discussion is whether this picture was realistic and whether the illusions of Ukrainian citizens were not the result of the work of propagandists like Arestovych himself…

But when he says that we should team up with Putin and jointly go to the West, then I hit a wall. I will not go any further with him. This path is impossible for me. I believe that with this proposal Arestovych either gave away some very serious mental illness (trauma?) or he simply defected to Putin.

No, really: what does he want to “charge” the West for? Why is he going to send the “Russian-Ukrainian bear” to lay its paw on Eastern Europe and Germany? For the fact that these countries have sheltered millions of his compatriots and have been keeping them at their expense for almost two years now? Because they have suffered huge losses by refusing to trade with Russia in solidarity with his homeland? For maintaining his country for two years? Paying pensions, salaries to all civil servants, financing the heating season, food supplies, etc.? And on top of that, they provide the Ukrainian army with billions of dollars worth of weapons. And all this, mostly free of charge, out of pure solidarity, without any written obligations…

And with whom is he going to unite for such an “expedition”? With those who killed his compatriots in Bucha? Who bombed Mariupol? Who killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians? And for absolutely no reason at all. In the absence of minimal resonance. Simply at the whim of one greedy and scumbag who had had enough of power!

And most importantly: why? Why, having united with your yesterday’s tormentor, attack your friends who have done nothing but good to you? For what purpose? To rob them? To make them work for you?

So I’m going to join forces with an enemy of my country and a murderer of my fellow citizens and attack my friends, just because, in my opinion, those friends didn’t give me the help I was hoping for? I mean, they did provide some help, but I didn’t think it was enough, so I decided to teach them a lesson?

And in general, I had long been choosing which side to join, and I chose the West, but here’s the shame: I was wrong! The West turned out to be weaker, and you can’t get rich with it… I should have chosen Putin’s Russia! That’s why I will quickly switch to the side of the strongest, and we will fuck the West together…

And the fact that at the hands of my new (actually – old) “friend” my compatriots died and the cities of my country lie in ruins, it is the payment for my stupidity! There was no need to rush around: we were in Moscow’s sphere of influence, and we did not need any European choice and other nonsense! We are happy here: warm and damp…

My difference from Arestovych is that my choice of freedom and democracy is conditioned by my own conviction that I prefer freedom and democracy under any conditions. For better or for worse. And in wealth and in poverty. Even if the whole world turns its back on the ideals of freedom, I will still remain true to them. And I don’t care that it may not be fashionable or that for some other reason people will stop “wearing” it.

His choice of freedom and democracy is made on the condition that in exchange for this choice he will receive a golden rain of Western money. And if it doesn’t, then this choice is stupid and unnecessary. And it is better to go back to Putin under his caressing gas rain and stand there, adoring the “traditional values” of a “separate civilization”…

I still think that most of my readers are with me, not with Arestovich. And we are right, not him. And precisely because we are right, help will still come. And exactly as much as we need to win. And that is why the victory will be ours.

Glory to Ukraine!🇺🇦

Today I have no strength to write about Israel. After all, it is Christmas night… Please forgive me. But, nevertheless, on this very night I am obliged and want to say: I love Israel and dream of peace in the Holy Land.


Home / Articles / Opinion / Alfred KOCH: “What good is it to tell Putin that he will lick hot pans in hell?”