Nothing changes, Putin uses all the same masks today, on the crooked line: Abandoned woman, Innocent, Kashpirovsky, Taxi driver and Knacker.
Conspiracy theorists speculate about some Putin’s double-triplets: Udmurt, Banquet, Talkative, etc. All this, of course, is nonsense. Putin makes his own speeches. However, in his speeches, including today, he consistently changes several mask-images.
1. A resentful abandoned woman.
A tedious whining about how he was offended by the West, led around by the nose, taken advantage of and abandoned, denied respect, not considered.
2. It’s not my fault!
Attempts to justify himself for starting the war. It was not me, “he himself came”, that is, the enemies were the first to start, we had no choice. If we hadn’t bombed Kyiv, the West would have forced us into same-sex marriages and pray to a gender-neutral god.
3. Kashpirovsky.
You are doing well, the economy is fine, your finances too, the (special) operation is going according to plan, you are relaxed, you are not in pain, not scared, not bitter, you don’t see a bloody scalpel at your throat. Putin is trying to work as Kaspirovsky, indoctrinating Russians who are getting lobotomies without anesthesia that they are not in pain.
4. Taxi driver.
The rambling of a dumb and illiterate cab driver trying to impress the passengers – “for history” and “for politics”. Lenin created Ukraine on behalf of Austria-Hungary, for which we gutted him and put him in the Mausoleum. Then Nazis in the CIA biolaboratory created a militant Zelenskyy, who spent 8 years dombilizing Bombas. Something like that.
5. Knacker.
From offended whining and excuses he moves on to attempts to hit, harass and blackmail: “Gentleman, give me a ruble, or I’ll spit in your face, I have syphilis!”. This is how he tries to intimidate the West and the whole world with nuclear war.