I flew to a European country and immediately at the airport, even before passport control, was taken aside and advised by local law enforcement officials to observe precautionary measures. According to their information, a wide range of oppositionists and public figures living abroad, whom Putin’s regime considers its enemies, are now in a high-risk zone.
The list contained all the names I could remember at a glance.
Moreover, another opposition figure received a similar warning today, but already in Turkey, where he was explicitly advised to leave the country because they could not ensure his safety.
The information about the threat is fresh: 10 days ago, at the same airport in a European country (let us understand the request of its law enforcement officials not to give details), no one took me aside or warned me about anything.
So if you are an oppositionist or a public figure (and not necessarily a very well known one), be careful.
There are plenty of people who want to curry favor with Putin these days.