Igor Yakovenko: “If a jellyfish burns you, it does not mean it has an ideology. If you are bitten by a mosquito, it does not mean it has an ideology. In one case it is the instinct of self-preservation, in the second – the mosquito just wants to eat. Putinism has no image of the future. That is why it cannot formulate the goals of this war in any way. It has no goal. And there is no special Z-ideology, either.
This is another form of mass consciousness. Do you know what program on Russian TV got the highest rating, 60%, during the years of Putin’s rule? The one devoted to Vanga. The purpose of such programs – about the Bulgarian prophetess, about the fact that the Earth may be flat, about the battle mosquitoes that Ukrainians produce – and they only bite Russians because they define them by taste and color… So that the people lose all critical awareness of reality and believe that Ukrainian nationalists and the West are going to poison all the wells in Russia.
Those who impose such an agenda are divided into werewolves and zombies. Werewolves, like Solovyov and Kiselyov, change their views in a second, without reflection. Zombies are sincere believers, Prilepin and the like. They will need to be rezombified.
Ukraine will win, there is no doubt about that. But what will happen to Russia next is a big question…”