The widespread attack on Israel carried out by the regime of religious obscurantists established in the Gaza Strip has no justification. With extraordinary brutality, Hamas grabbed civilians (including women), killed them, tortured them and took them hostage. What was happening looked like the raids of ancient barbarians on the pockets of civilization. But this is not just a manifestation of primitive madness. Behind the attack is a cold, cynical calculation to involve new and more serious “players” in the war. It is obvious that Hamas decided to embark on this bloody suicidal adventure at the behest of its patrons and handlers in Tehran and Moscow.
The Kremlin has long pursued a policy aimed at destroying the international legal order. In fact, the goal of the Putin regime is to discard the formal and informal restrictions on armed violence and brutality that have been developed by the international community. For this reason, brutalists of all stripes, including Hamas, are beginning to feel more and more at ease. Iran, on the other hand, is Moscow’s closest ally in the Middle East, and a conduit of its destructive international policy.
We firmly affirm that the Putin and Iranian regimes cannot be reformed, cannot be perceived as full-fledged participants in the negotiation process, and only their total destruction should be the clearly stated ultimate goal of the free world in this global confrontation.
We express our condolences to all the victims of the savages of Hamas and support just retribution for the terrorists.
The Free Russia Forum stands in solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. Israel is not only fighting for its own existence, but also against the murky and bloody wave of cruelty and fanaticism that threatens to engulf our civilization. We call on all countries of the Free World to provide Israel with all necessary assistance to stop the terrorist war against it.
Free Russia Forum,
Oct 9th, 2023