The Free Russia Forum is categorically protesting the brutal sentence imposed on Ilya Yashin, according to which he will be imprisoned for eight and a half years for criticizing the war unleashed by Putin against Ukraine.
The verdict against Ilya Yashin marks a new milestone in Russian history — the complete transition of the Russian state to a totalitarian track. Putin’s fascism, which has taken shape before our eyes, is a totalitarian regime, the main feature of which is the complete rejection of dissent in any of its forms. A person living in such a regime should not only obey him physically but also not dare to speak out against him even verbally, simply expressing his opinion.
Ilya Yashin was convicted for speaking the truth. The truth about Putin’s war and the crimes of the Russian army, including in Bucha. There is no more eloquent testimony to the totalitarian nature of the Putin regime than the condemnation of a man for revealing the truth about one of the most heinous crimes of Putinism. The very word “Bucha” has become a household word, denoting the totality of war crimes committed by Putin’s soldiers in this war.
We demand the immediate release of Ilya Yashin and all other political prisoners convicted of criticizing Putin’s aggression against Ukraine. We also remind you that all persons involved in the repressions against Ilya Yashin and other political prisoners will be identified by us and included in the “Putin’s List” for their further inclusion in the sanctions lists of democratic countries. And in a future of free Russia, all these persons will be brought to justice and accountable for carrying out political repressions.
Free Russia Forum