The Free Russia Forum is the largest platform of Russian opposition, founded in 2016 in Vilnius by Russian politicians Garry Kasparov and Ivan Tyutrin.
Since its inception, the Free Russia Forum has brought together representatives of the Russian public, living both in Russia and abroad, who have taken an uncompromising stance against the Putin regime: advocating for the complete dismantling of Putin’s dictatorship, the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and the liberation of all Russian-occupied territories.
Permanent participants of the Forum are leading Russian politicians, experts, journalists, publicists and representatives of culture. In addition to representatives of the Russian opposition, politicians, public figures and journalists take part in the events of the Free Russia Forum from Ukraine, the United States, Great Britain, and the European Union. Since 2016, 12 Free Russia Forums have been held, and since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, five anti-war conferences have been held under the auspices of the FRF in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, as well as the conference Anti-Putin Coalition. Conditions for Victory and Elimination of Putin’s Regime in Warsaw.
FRF advocates a decisive victory for Ukraine over the aggressor and for the liberation of all seized Ukrainian territories.
In 2023, the Russian General Prosecutor’s Office recognized the Free Russia Forum as an “undesirable organization”.
Within the framework of the FRF’s activities there are functioning projects:
“Putin’s List” – a database that has been created by the Free Russia Forum since 2017 in order to find, consolidate and unify public and other information about persons responsible for the creation and functioning of a system of usurpation of power and suppression of civil liberties in Russia, aggressive foreign policy that threatens international security, corruption and state propaganda.
Website of the “Putin List” project
“Talent Pool” Project is an educational and internship program of the Free Russia Forum. The mission of the project is to create a community of political activists, experts, social researchers and media communicators, who see the future of Russia as part of the free world and are ready to assist the implementation of the “democratic transition” in our country.
“Talent Pool” Project Facebook Page
The Free Russia Institute is a political think-tank, founded in 2022. It is a meeting place for exiled Russian social scientists and leaders of social change. We bridge the gap between Western politics and everyday reality in Russia in order to pave the way for democratic transition in our country through policy recommendations and dialogue with decision makers in the free world.
Our pages in social media: